A small property with the potential to have a lot of personality with the right amount of renovation.


  • West Yorkshire

    House type

  • Middle terrace


  • Full refurbishment

    Project status

  • In progress



Purchase Price: £45,000
A small property with the potential to be come a personality property. Purchased for a relatively small fee of £45,000 we believe with the proper renovation this property can become a much higher valued well sought after home.



Estimated renovation: £20,000
Renovations were estimated to be around £20,000 which the end result was fairly close, this included a complete rebuild of the roof and renovation of every room in the house.



Estimated revalue: £90,000
With the renovation completed we firmly believe this property can fetch around £90,000, with expectations of it being sold in little to no time.

New lease of life

Clean and bright home

With the completion of the large scale renovations, the home has been brought back to life, with clean decoration throughout and the property still maintains some of it's quirky characteristics.

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